
Today we’re trying “what if we make the crate a place that reminds you of hot dogs?”, and so far, have been quite successful.
The second day he was with me, he refused to go in the crate and I haven’t been using it since, but have also lost a lamp and have to clear off surfaces before leaving him alone. Crate training would make that easier, & any learning is better than none.
During the behavior consult yesterday, I had resource guarding explained, & it can be with smells, which is why you hear all those stories about “once my dog found a donut here & every walk we have to go back to check that spot”. So I’m hoping hot dog smell will make the crate more appealing.
“This is a place I once had a picnic”, sort of thing.
WHOA this is mind blowing
The dog we tried to bring home was also resource guarding the person holding the leash, so only she could try to get him into the car, & the rest of us had to be out of sight so as not to trigger him. Which meant stopping anyone or any dogs walking in his line of sight. They also do it with toys.
With toys a toy can be traded out for a similar toy - eg tennis balls - but when trading it out there should be no taking it directly from the dog, because that escalates the behavior. Let them drop it, show them you have another ball & throw it, rinse and repeat.