
Today in NYC, at Columbia University, there's a tent encampment set up in solidarity with Palestine. Students "plan to remain until the school divests from companies with ties to Israel or until they’re forcibly removed." Police are already on the scene. Tweet:
As Tariq Kenney-Shawa tells us, Columbia University President Minouche Shafik wil testify before Congress today in a hearing on Columbia's response to antisemitism. Tweet:
I wonder when police last arrested people on Columbia' University's campus? Against the backdrop of bleachers erected for graduation events, police gather in force in preparation for arrests. Indy videographers like Talia will be capturing today's events. tweet:
It looks like it's going down at Columbia University tonight as the administration set a 9 pm (ET) deadline for students to vacate the Gaza Solidarity encampment. Police have been gathering personnel and arrest buses for hours. Indy videographer Talia Jane is on the scene:
Talia Jane, a seasoned documenter of protests, estimates 300 students are present. That includes hundreds standing by in support of the Gaza Solidarity encampment. That doesn't = 300 arrests. But, if police are violent, it could complicate attempts to arrest. video:
It's night time. Raining. 51ºF/10ºC. There have been individual arrests just outside the campus among supporters. One for someone with a "too-tall" flag. In 30 years of demonstrating in NYC, I've never heard of that rule. The students are waiting. And, chanting! video:
More students have shown up. Talia Jane is estimating at least 400 are present. A lot of them are women. The gathering seems re-energized. People are up on their feet, dancing and chanting! The video is pretty great! Peep it here:
There's a live stream on Twitch by another longtime indy videographer of protests, thizzl. He is outside the campus on the other side of Broadway. You can hear chants from inside the campus. Link to thizzl's livestream is here. Caveat the first minute or so is a bunch of ads:
thizzL - NYC
Best video tonight so far. Crowd in the Gaza Solidarity Encampment/Liberated Zone uses the people's microphone. Columbia Univ admin agreed to one demand. (idk what). Students voted and agreed unanimously they won't leave before attaining ALL their demands. video:
Avatar posted this LIFE mag photo of the 1968 Columbia Uprising by Steve Schapiro. Sociologist Frances Fox Piven was a Columbia professor in 1968. LIFE describes her in the pic: "Tom Hayden, a nonstudent and a leading force in the New Left, helped a coed into Mathematics Hall."
Since the occupying students weren't arrested at 9 pm as the university threatened, I'm getting the impression the police/university may try to wait them out overnight. Cops often prefer to make arrests in the wee hours, 4 or 5 am, when supporters and press have gone home. We'll see what happens.
Steady light rain continues. Police didn't arrest Columbia students sleeping overnight at Gaza Solidarity Encampment. Last night, a lot of police gathered plus multiple drone units. No mass arrests. Seems like admin/cops will let the weather do their work for them. Video:
Columbia Gaza Solidarity Encampment was erected on a lawn inside campus. Outside of college gates at 116th St and Broadway, there was a vigorous support protest. Folks stayed all night. There's ugly video of 5 of them being arrested a short while ago. Mostly women.
Mass arrests have begun at Columbia University Gaza Solidarity Encampment/Liberated Zone. Other protesters are locked outside of the fortress-like campus as presence in solidarity with the students. and other indy videographers are there.
There are busloads of arrestees on the streets around Columbia University. People are blocking the buses. Also, Fox News, thanks for "ANTI-ISRAEL PROTESTERS." 🙄 Does this include all the Jewish students being arrested too?
Arrests at Columbia Univ began around 1:30 pm (ET). News reporters and legal observers were forced to leave. 2 NLG legal observers were arrested. Unclear why. NLG just takes notes at scenes. Hundreds* of Columbia affiliated onlookers cheered. *(some say 1000.) video:
A report that Princeton Professor Cornell West has arrived and is going to the place where the Columbia University student encampment was just removed, Butler Lawn.
Video of Cornell West on Butler Lawn speaking and declaring his solidarity with the people arrested at the encampment. video:
Dr. Steven Thrasher notes the multi-cultural nature of today's operation. The president of Columbia Univ., Minouche* Shafik, is Egyptian-born. Mayor Adams is Black. Police Commissioner Edward A. Caban is Latino. The arrestees undoubtedly reflect the diversity of NYC. *DBE with the title Baronness
WKCR News is reporting live from all ends of the Morningside Heights campus. They say "riot police" closed two subway entrances on the east side of Broadway at 116th St. And, a large group of police staged at 116th St and Claremont just joined others at 116 & B'way.
Some moments in Fox's coverage. Anchor Gillian Turner, who attended Columbia, says she didn't experience antisemitism, and spoke of large % of Jewish students. "The university goes out of its way to recruit Jewish students." Field reporter CB Cotton says pro Pal students refuse to speak to her.
NYPD at Columbia University disperses, removes zip-tied anti-Israel Columbia University President Minouche Shafik told students that the NYPD response was necessary because "these are extraordinary circumstances."
NYT had a live updates page about Columbia arrests seemingly ready to go with reporters in place from the beginning of the arrests. (Columbia & NYT are longtime besties.) Blow-by-blow coverage is better than I expected but these reporters know nothing about NYC police or about protest arrests.
Live Updates: Police Arrest Pro-Palestinian Protesters at Officers cleared out a campus demonstration on Thursday, a day after university officials testified about antisemitism before Congress.
One of the worst things about the Live Updates page is the main header: "Antisemitism on Campus" "Protests at Columbia" fall under that. Really? Makes it sound like it was a Nazi rally. These are anti war protests. By Jewish and Muslim students and others.
This Barnard College student who is one of the lead anti war organizers on campus was suspended today. And, arrested and processed. Now the university is evicting her too. They're informing her she will be given 15 MINUTES to retrieve her belongings. tweet:
Maryam is an organizer with Columbia’s chapter of Students for Justice in Palestine. She is extremely thoughtful and well spoken. (She generally uses only her first name in public communications. So, I'm matching that.) You may listen to her here:
Civil rights and criminal defense lawyer David Menschel is right. Columbia Spectator editorial:
"The administration has ignored our countless pleas to engage meaningfully with students, opting instead to continue down a path of surveillance, oppression, and authoritarian policies. Columbia should ... not censor marginalized voices under the guise of “safety” and protection."
Columbia professor Karl Jacoby who specializes in the dark sides of American history posts a photo of specialist NYC police units before mass arrests. A small drone rests on the bricks of Low Plaza as the cops set up their visual surveillance for the day. tweet:
Avatar I pulled this one into my thread for you. :)
Sorry, that stuff is dangerous and not for me. I would discourage any use of such tech that could have unknown effects and affect safety. You can Google that issue, I believe.