
"you're not American why do you care about the 4th of July" mate I'm Indian, any day someone got the Brits to fuck off back to their country is a national holiday for me
Okay this is fair. As a Canadian I’ve never really had the chance… I’m from a country that’s 1/3 wannabe British, 1/3 wannabe French, and 1/3 really wishes the rest of us had never arrived…
that's a very Canadian way to grapple with independence though lol
one of my favorite Kate Beaton comics
I love it: does anyone in Canada really love the monarchy? Hardly anyone. But replacing it would end up opening all these unseemly, difficult questions, so, well, better to just keep the status quo even if it's a bit embarrassing. Like Quebecois separatists not wanting constitutional repatriation.
As an outsider: I love the Canadian simultaneous uncomfortableness and pride with its symbolism. It's awkward but sometimes it really works. The "Canada" wordmark is great. And I love how the last portrait of the queen on coins made her look less queenly and just like a really classy lady.
There is also the reckoning that would happen with nationhood were the monarchy removed. The Royal Proc of 1863 and the treaties are intrinsically tied into it. Remove that and well. Legally all the land returns to its original inhabitants.
And since no one would allow that it would force a lot of really shitty things to happen to First Nations here on top of the continuing genocide the Canadian gov’t commits.
I typoed here. 1763. First drafts.
You know a lot more about this than me, so I say this out of ignorance, but I don't see why that would be the case. No treaties were signed w/ the Monarch of Canada, yet said Monarch has succeeded the Monarch of the United Kingdom of G.B. and (N.)I. Why couldn't a republican institution do the same?