
The "Ukraine never in NATO" crowd seems to think they're avoiding confrontation with Russia, but they're actually encouraging Russia in a confrontation that's well underway. Events are past the point where "don't make Russia nervous, don't push back, or they might get aggressive" becomes denial.
I don't mean to be too reductive about things but I feel like every woman who has been in an abusive relationship knows exactly how this goes. There is only one trajectory. "If I just stop doing the thing that makes him angry, he won't shove me into a wall again."
I don’t think that’s too reductive. A domestic abuser is a useful frame for understanding Putin (or, say, Trump and US media). Not 100% analogous of course, but definitely overlapping.
National tyranny (and, in between, cults) works in -exactly- the same ways as domestic abuse, just scaled up. Add a few techniques unique to large scale situations. but the basics? The same. I like this for "how to spot any of the above. "Authoritarian control."
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I was thinking an analogy of domestic abuse akin to “Her parents made me kill her by telling her she could come stay with them. “