
From most recommended to least, probably -timberborn -spiritfarer -outer wilds -caves of qud -hades -Celeste -v rising -rim world -slay the spire -undertale -journey -bastion (havent played it yet) -hollow knight -dont starve -it takes two
🌹 gamers! I'll take any and all indie recs :3
🌹 starshine you have FANTASTIC TASTE I’ll check out timberborn that looks incredible! And having played Bastion its still one of my favourites of all time and I highly recommend it
Thank you! One thing i really like about timberborn is my ocd usually makes these styles of games NotFun because i go into min-maxx mode but i dont have that issue with timberborn i just want to build cute homes for my beavers
I love this list but I don’t have Timberborn…time to check it out maybe?
Its a v cute beaver city builder/production game with great water mechanics. You build a beaver village and theres periodically increasingly worse droughts. maps have fixed water sources that flow down off the map and stop during droughts, your goal is to build dams/reservoirs to survive the drought
Every tile depletes ‘trapped’ water at a fixed rate and irrigates x surrounding tiles. Trees, bushes, farms will all add y modifier to the water depletion and your beavers also need water to drink. They also added a red tide event for toxic water but i havent played it since that update
This sound fun, it would likely keep me…busy
I shouldn’t push it any harder however,