
Honestly, I don't know how doomerism has survived the long arc of history. We used to grovel under kings. Slavery was the law of the land. Fascist authoritarians conquered a democracy and declared war on a continent and a people. And, all of that was overcome. It ceased. History didn't end.
I really have lost my former tolerance for "we're doomed/fucked/it's all over/they've won" takes at this point, in that they're the most dangerous attitudes one could possibly have when confronted with a truly existential political threat (which we still DO have levers to address).
I don't think there's a guaranteed moral arc to history. I'm worried about the durability of new models of authoritarianism; the ways new tech empowers minority rule. Modern society might be too precipitously perched on a pre-global warming climate. But "it's over" has literally never been true.
I am not thrilled to be living through another spate of tough and dangerous times like my grandparents and great grandparents did, but we can't choose our times, only how we respond to them.
The universe’s moral arc is bent by people. It’s not some passive thing you can just assume will happen. If we don’t bend it, then sure as shit nobody else will.
I think that's what I was trying to say. Previous generations successfully bent the moral arc against monstrous forces. They showed us it's possible, and they showed us how. We owe to them to keep pushing that bend instead of rolling over at the first setback. Doomerism spits on their graves.
We are in violent agreement
I get the long run view. I think the anti-doomerists are tone-deaf to people at risk right now. A 20yo is supposed to be comforted that SCOTUS can be flipped 30 years from now and her granddaughter will have reproductive rights? Assuming SCOTUS allows the planet to remain habitable, that is.
I just don’t see how expressing despair and fighting back are mutually exclusive.
Shades of Obama’s “Don’t boo — vote!” Actually I will do both lol