
Someone who says "someone should fix that" and then rolls right into choosing to be that someone who fixes the thing. The fastest way for someone to be unattractive to me is to not see all the invisible keeping-shit-together work all around you, and to fail to actively participate in it.
fuck a red flag. tell me your favorite green flag in a person
I read something online once about how a cishet couple was moving out of a home they'd lived in for two years and the husband was like "isn't it wild that the soap dispenser in the bathroom lasted for two years?!" and the wife--who just refilled it all the time--was like 😐😐😐
One time I was making birthday plans with a few friends and the logistics were getting a little complicated, so it took a minute to sort out. During that time, one of the friends literally made plans with someone else (?! none of them concurrent birthday havers) and later was like oh--
--well it seemed like the planning got difficult Like ok, so instead of *lending a hand to finalize organizing the group trip*, you just made other plans?! (This person was multiple standard deviations beyond the usual level of self-centered, but it's another good example, if a bit extreme.)
All this to say: If I like/love you, and you have a goal, no matter how big and grand or how small and silly, I will fucking move mountains to help you accomplish it (if you want me to), and, I'm pretty strong at moving mountains.
I can't really hang with people who don't also view platonic or romantic or even just like neighborly love that way. We're on this planet to care for each other and help each other do cool shit. Get in the game.