
Free advice: Don't be the American, who after spending your annual 5 minutes caring about French politics, says "yeah! now let's repeat those results here this fall!" We don't have a left like the French have. If you actually want to repeat what they've done--
You need to stop shouting at people to vote for Biden, and start getting serious about lending your vote to parties outside the Republicans/Democrats entirely. You need to get serious about building parties to the left of the Democrats with things other than votes, too.
also labor organization. we straight up can't strike the way the French do when they feel like they have no other options
oh yeah that's a big part of it too. I know a lot of Americans like trying to blame "ah but we have worse police violence here" on why we don't strike as much, but it's just not true. French police have been playing brutality catch-up in recent years with a vengeance
Americans just like using "I'm too busy with other things!" as an excuse to not strike. (We like using that as an excuse to not engage in other forms of civic duty too.) In France, being "too busy" isn't seen as some sort of morally laudable thing as much as it is here.
yeah puritans still messing with our heads real bad 400 years on
:nod_sob: in so many ways