
New in PN: Charlie Sykes on the GOP's Trump cult "A lot of us worried that embracing Trump would corrupt the Republican Party, but I don’t think any of us realized the depths of it. I don’t know how the party comes back from that."
Charlie Sykes on the GOP's Trump "In the minds of MAGA world, he has never lost. There have been no defeats."
The rot in the Republican Party has been there for decades. All Trump did was show them they didn’t have to pretend anymore.
The GOP cannot come back from it. I'd even say it *must* not: the Linsdey Graham prophecy needs to come true.
A good number of us remember Sykes for what he was on AM radio years ago and we won’t forget his role in destroying Wisconsin any time soon.
But embrace him you did, Charlie! You embraced those white nationalist evangelicals with both arms for years. And now American women get to bleed out in emergency rooms across America.
Before GOP comes back, it has to go away. So go away, already.