
I am usually a fairly calm and even tempered person but I’ve been forced to use a malfunctioning wireless mouse all morning and I am dangerously close to throwing it through the window
The actual cursor is like 5-10 pixels offset from where Windows is drawing it and it’s making me unbelievably angry. But I can’t explain it without sounding like a crazy person. You’re probably reading this like “what the hell is this guy’s problem, get good” but I *am* good and this mouse is not
try this before the window (it's harder the other way around) but note that some apparent software problems are actually hardware ones and I've repaired a grand total of one (1) mouse in my life - I don't bother to try anymore
I tried monkeying with these settings and it made it bad in a different way. Would bet $3 it’s something to do with the mouse itself but I’m stuck in the office and can’t replace it with a reliable one