
It's obviously bad that Spoutible leaked encrypted passwords. But the more concerning issue is that it leaked each user's password reset code, allowing an attacker to silently reset your p/w (no email is sent, you aren't logged out). It's shameful how Spoutible has downplayed the security risks
The Spoutible data leak is as incredible (derogatory) as thr CEO’s attempt to downplay the exposed data as merely “email addresses and some cell phone numbers”
Bouzy respouted me yesterday commenting on this, then deleted all my posts when I tried to give pushback on the narrative that this was an attack and that other companies have had the same flaws. Someone on twitter screencapped everything for me.
boozy lied about 2023 colibri API breach and now he deleteing posts that pushback, and he questions why they go to HIBP? LOL
What's weird is that he didn't just delete the posts (someone pointed out that it says something when he deletes them). They're just gone, my spoutible is broken, the main feed doesn't load. I didn't post there much, but I was a very early adopter. What a weird dude.
Hi there -- sorry, but are you saying the company took down your account (effectively banned you) for pushing back against CEO? Can you get in touch and tell me more? [email protected] or (415) 234-3994 text/Signal
fyi to also help clarify: other times when replies were deleted, there’d be a system note: “@user deleted this reply”. Mike’s replies just disappeared, so I had assumed (wrongly, apparently) he had self-deleted
My spoutible account is extremely messed up after he did whatever he did to it. My timeline never loads. My profile says I have Spouts but nothing shows up. I've tried spouting, and while it says it worked, nothing ever shows up.
And here's one of my profile. Says I have 2 spouts, but nothing shows up.