
There is too much going on at Pride and it was too overwhelming, but I had to table. I'm impressed with myself that I made it through four hours. That said, it was nice to see everyone else festive and happy. Happy Pride, queers.
Weirdly, our tent was next to a booth trying to get Democrats to vote for Biden. In Toronto. Which is in Canada. Canada is not in the US and Canadians, by and large, cannot vote in US elections. It had nothing to do with Pride. Though I did appreciate the antigenocide protestor outside their tent.
Also, Pride Toronto learned nothing from their inability to recognize BLM and shut down the parade rather than let pro-Palestinian antigenocide protest continue, though I missed that conflict from where I was positioned. Pride is still a protest. None of us are free until all of us are free.
Final also: Someone gave us this really cool flower that was apparently from the No Frills booth. Each petal is a different colour of the rainbow, and I have no idea how they did this. I was very impressed.
Democrats Abroad have been a thing for quite a while. They’re aimed at US citizens living in CA. One gets the feeling they are mostly a “draft dodger” organization, genealogically speaking. How that translates into contemporary registrations & voting is…a conversation, I feel
Maybe trying to get expats registered… but ya that is weird
They said they were trying to get us to "convince our US friends to vote for Biden." But. Like. Isn't interfering in foreign elections frowned on? Also, did they really think waving US patriotic bunting at a bunch of stoned Canadian queers was going to affect anything...? It was perplexing.
Ok wow that is EXTREMELY weird
I get that the Democrats are desperate, but maybe they could try things like not supporting genocides, or securing protections for reproductive rights, or trans healthcare and access to public spaces, or proper public healthcare for all, or UBI, or a million other things that people might like.
Travelling to Canada to table at Toronto Pride seems like a weird choice.
There’s a huge Democrats Abroad contingent here
If it’s the person I’m thinking about, they live in Cabbagetown and go to all the east-end fests.
Yeaaah sounds about right