
This condenscending stuff makes me unreasonably mad
Like yeah, great, whatever, happy for them; people buying originals for THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS may as well be on another planet for people crawling on the ground. I’ve been mortified to switch prices from dollars to euros when I left Russia.
There’s no managerial guy telling the market my “real” price so it has to be what my conscious allows it to be
I can’t tell for sure if comics are back from recession but it sure as hell doesn’t look like it from where I am and what I’m seeing, but there’s a sort of cottage industry built around several guys and for several guys who had a bit more class not to switch to NFTs 3-4 years ago
Still thinking about the deep feeling of alienation and disgust from a post by SGM telling people how good of an investment a Mike Mignola original could be, and how he’s selling his fucking thumbnails or whatever to give folks with less money a chance at investment, too
Can only hope whatever embarrassing midlife crisis muscle car he buys with it ends up in a ditch somewhere.
please god let my work never be a fucking "investment"