
"Would that be the reaction if we ... were talking about the property rights of Pākehā landowners? Where are all the “one law for all” warriors when it comes to laws that only disadvantage Māori?" The pain of perpetual leases
The pain of perpetual leases | The scheme is “one that many in Aotearoa are either unaware of, or have come to accept as a fact of life — an ongoing injustice that’s baked into the law books and become too hard to undo.” — Eugene B...
Perpetual leases. Looks like a ripoff. Time to review...
The crown has been aware of these for a long time. They are not interested. These should be removed immediately
Yeah, farmer votes. Saw something on TV a while back, some kind of compromise and development...
The one from Mata Reports showed it most starkly. As for compromise, it seems like that's only ever expected from the land owners and farmers throw a tantrum at even that. No review is needed. The owners of the land should be able to continue to lease it or not at their own discretion.
If compensation is needed for the farmers who thought their stolen leases were forever, then the party who made this mess (The Crown) will just have to clean it up.
Agreed. If the people want to use their land they should be able to do so. If they want to lease they should get a healthy return. Perpetual lease is...nah. From a time when it seemed the tangata whenua were declining. It's a shocker. This needs some political action.
It's so simple. But the crown doesn't clean up its messes. That's why settlements for breaching te Tiriti are so low. That's why Māori land is underuntilised. That's why there are such disparity in education & health
The more you look the more you find, issues like this. Some things cannot be undone but this one can.
Ann Brower’s “Who owns the high country?” Is an excellent review of land tenure reform in the South Island. Gives clear insight into how the government would likely respond to this situation to benefit farmers.
Be interesting to see stats on how significant high country farming is (or isn't) from an economic v an emotional perspective. Suspect it's more a case of doing what we've always done...
As Tangata Tetiriti - Payouts for farmers in Ao Nz stinks like plantation owners being compensated for abolition of slavery in a deal that took 150yrs to pay off - while victims of slavery are left dealing with intergenerational trauma. Commit to a buy back scheme - keep Whenua ownership in Nz.