
I'm a software developer, and from my point of view, chronological IS an algorithm. So I want to know how they define the offending "algorithmic" feed. My guess is either (1) badly, or (2) vaguely.
Ah, they are defining "addictive" feeds to mean "personalized" feed -- feeds based on facts about the user, user's activities, or prior interaction with the feed. That's not as bad as I thought. And there's an exception for threads by an author, but then I think they've outlawed comment threads.
My immediate reaction was "why not both" but yeah, they've come down pretty squarely on the "poorly" side.
I mean, technically, yes, in that something such as ORDER BY Date is part of the SQL query that produces a chronological feed. But that’s stultifyingly pedantic.
Maybe I'm reading this overly broadly, but it seems to me like the corporate dashboard/digital slideshow in common areas at work might be illegal under this definition.
Oh gawd, green text, that reminds me of reading Michael Ende's Neverending Story where all the stuff in Fantasia was typeset in green. I never finished that damn novel because it was so hard on the eyes!
This looks like it could impact other marketing things if I’m reading it correctly? Ex: how ad targeting works?
it would be so much easier to just pass a comprehensive privacy law