
there's a tiktok account that just cooks recipes from congresspeople and my overall takeaway is that it is ever more important that the hague take these war criminals into custody
sounds like the most terrifying thing on the platform ew
I've seen horrors you wouldn't believe. Hoppin' John seasoned only with salt; I watched casseroles made from canned salmon, mayo, and raisins... a dessert cake made with raisins, nuts, and breakfast sausage. All these monstrosities and more should be lost to time, like tears in rain. Time to kill.
Ok I like canned salmon in general and keep it in the house but the rest of that is disgusting and I'd like to leave this planet after reading it.
Nothing wrong with canned or tinned fish. But to desecrate the sacrifice of a salmon by slathering it in mayo, raisins, and ketchup...
raisins don't belong in meat dishes. I just don't understand why people put them in everything. JUST USE WINE. God.