
“I had nothing to do with her.” - Tяump on Stormy Daniels Lying liar lies.
You know.. He try to imply, that he read it.. 😂 🤣 😂 🤣 😂 🤣 😂 There is no cartoon series available..
Not yet! lol I would pay money for a cartoon series making fun of that dingdong.
As I read at their homepage.. Some months ago.. I thought to myself.. Wow.. If they make this official, what's in their unofficial luggage... But I think, not a lot of ppl actually read it.. Especially not the media. Heritage foundation on steroida
People can barely pay attention to 30 sec video clips. I think that’s why there’s a push by some to just keep posting stuff about it - to push how dangerous that plan is. It’s annoying to people who know about it, but it’s the ones who don’t know that pose a real danger when it comes to voting.
Absolutely.. I always say, as memory like a mayfly... Same with the attention span.. But.. This should be headline since months in the media But it would cost their taxcuts and that's it, what is all about Always money. No values, no moral, not the good of the ppl Just money rules
You got that right. It’s painful, but America has a long history of having a short memory. 😖
Don't worry... After the last EU elections.. We Europeans have totally amnesia About 80% of our arrogant assholes voted for climate denying right wing nuts, some with clear fascistic naziistic tendencies.. It's just a crazy time.. Worldwide
Yep. I’ve been keeping an eye out on elections there. It’s all very frightening. There’s some good news with English elections, but only after they completely kicked themselves in the head. Better late than never. The current situation in the world is unsustainable. It’ll change. I’ll wait.
Family Mercer is doing their job.. Since their fiasco with Cambridge analytica, They just do still the same.. Same ppl, same Adress, other name.. Emerdata This helps the RWNs worldwide a lot..
Is the Dad still playing Sheriff out West? He has a machine gun collection. What a fruitcake.