
On Independence Day, note our progress towards energy independence & a sustainable future for generations ahead. Thanks to 2021 Bipartisan Infrastructure & 2022 Inflation Reduction laws, U.S. companies are accelerating in grid batteries to make solar+wind scalable. That's not all...
What is energy independence, and why is it good?
Domestic production. I'm not an expert here but taking a broad political consensus as given. My sense is it's disempowering & decoupling from OPEC states, Putin, MBS, Maduro... bcz many authoritarian leaders use control of fossil fuels for political power & dependence creates undesirable constraints
Also supply chain resilience in the face of production shocks from climate change, geopolitical turmoil...
I think the political consensus is that "independence" sounds good. Economically, "energy independence" is completely vacuous. Oil is a global market whose price is determined by global supply and demand without regard to who is producing it. Prices can take any value with any amount of US output.
I was thinking about it more as reducing US oil demand by expanding alternative supply. There's no change in geopolitical constraints if we reduce demand and substitute toward more clean-energy production?
Tho clearly not the primary reason to shift to clean energy. I mainly wanted to use the "Independence" Day rhetorical hook.