
but also more importantly YOU DO NOT HAVE TO. you can just vibe
here's my unpopular advice to a huge fucking number of aspiring fantasy writers: if you're going to insist on this "i must be true to the nature of the medieval period" thing, which by the way YOU DONT HAVE TO, no one is forcing you to, please actually read an actual history book first.
your medieval FANTASY setting is not less internally consistent if you simply DO NOT include elements of medieval life that you don't want to think about
Forever leaning out around my conveniently located corner to ask “Where does the shit go” “How prevalent is disease” “How does this possibly affect natural watercourses”
i wonder how much i would traumatise you by saying that i decided the latrine in my main character's house, whose layout i stole from this nice artwork i found online, is where i marked it here with a red circle, and it just opens onto the street
(the main reason being that i thought it would be funny)
The socially minded person in me is freaking out but the individual in me says “Yeah that works out”