
i'm really just gutted by this news. christophe was an amazingly energetic, visionary, creative, strategic person, alive to how disinformation was undermining the media & how government repression was a constant threat. such a loss. a proper obit by le monde
Christophe Deloire, secretary general of Reporters Without Borders, has The face of the press freedom NGO passed away on Saturday at the age of 53 'as a result of fast-spreading cancer,' the organization announced.
Joel Simon, former head of CPJ, posted this tribute. 😢
My mother also only knew she had cancer 5 weeks. It’s honestly not the worst way to go. Time to prepare. Still, sorry for the community’s loss.
I’m sorry, David! I only knew of him and he struck me as just all the adjectives you listed - profoundly astute, reflective, and committed.