
I love that all I have to do is walk into the bedroom and Rosie spends the next five minutes telling me all about everything I missed while I was gone for four hours
Chatty cats are so great. Saffron is either nearly inaudible, lots of soft chirps and trills, or else it's loud grating meows that aren't usually as pissed off as they sound. So loud.
Rosie isn't much for the loud yells, but she will have an entire conversation with you in meeps and chirps. Now, Naomi just yells. She has the meezer yell despite being a brown tabby and she can sound *massively* pissed when she wants, lol.
Oh, I love the meezer yell, though it can certainly pin your ears back. Saffron is meezer-adjacent (some Oriental shorthair in there, according to the rescue people); and both of our small void cats have the classic shape and different variations of the yell. Ninja is mournful, Nuite cusses.
Anders, meanwhile, never lost his high-pitched kitten squeak. I should record all our cats at some point and let people try to match cat to vocalizations, heh.
Is Anders Maine Coon? Mine still has the tiniest little mews and squeaks, and sometimes his are completely silent.
He is that popular cat breed "we found him up a tree! He's orange." 😂
He got cuter
With the name Anders, how likely is he to destroy the church and start a multi-year rebellion while being possessed with a Spirit of Vengeance?
We named him Anders because when we found him he was a scruffy ginger apawstate! Alas, he does not have the brains of his namesake.
Could I borrow your cat to teach mine about indoor voices? How such volume comes out of 5lbs of blue fluff I will never know. (Being deaf, of course, means she has to be extra loud, just in case.)
He won't even teach his own brother, whose mews grew with him.