
And what are "organisations such as the fire service, the police and the NHS" supposed to be doing with a bunch of untrained, and probably mildly annoyed, kids for 25 days a year? Monkey tennis.
are the Tories trying to see if they can be the first political party in the world where support for them among the 18-24 cohort falls to zero?
Conservatives plan to bring back mandatory National Every 18-year-old would choose between joining the military or volunteering one weekend a month in the community.
Who's got the capacity to process all those DBS checks?
Lol. They need to stop. It's just silly.
fortunately, it's not going to happen because they're going to lose, so we can ignore it, and when they say next week they're bringing back the death penalty and banning teenagers from going outside without a high-viz tabard and and adult accompanying them, we can ignore those too.
It's exhausting listening to such nonsense.
Spend your time planning your election night strategy instead. Timing of tactical naps, choice of snacks, where to move the fragile things so you don't throw them at the telly, how often you can play "things can only get better" at full volume before the neighbours complain...
I'm thinking crisps and a box of proper chocolates. I hadn't factored in naps. I'll probably have those in safe seat counts.
good call on the chocolates. There's a shop on Brick Lane I keep meaning to try. my plan: picky tea, stay up until the exit polls, tactical nap until about half two, second picky tea, first cup of coffee. I get to vote twice because I'm a proxy for an overseas voter.