did:plc:cf2ho35ch4sftclmcn2zrsrs follows

dr alex concorde
dr alex concorde
Doctor/Strategic Innovator 🏳️‍🌈
XLII® Medicine⚕️ XLII® Psychology🧠ParaOncology®
Medical Director, Childhood Cancer Research Trust
Medical & Health
LinkedIn http://bit.ly/3cDUc8Y
Albert Vilella, PhD.
Albert Vilella, PhD.
Bioinformatics Scientist / Next Generation Sequencing / Single Cell and spatial biology / Next Generation Proteomics / SynBio / Compute Acceleration
Carla Hill
Carla Hill
MSc Marine Vertebrate Ecology and Conservation at Uni of Exeter Cornwall
Alicia Parfitt
Alicia Parfitt
🦭 MSc Marine vertebrate ecology and conservation student
Graduate School of Environment and Sustainability
Graduate School of Environment and Sustainability
Help lead a global Greener, Healthier and Fairer revolution by studying one of our world-leading, interdisciplinary Masters degrees here at the University of Exeter, Cornwall.
Iain Soutar
Iain Soutar
Senior Lecturer in Energy Policy at the University of Exeter, UK. Researching change, inertia and public engagement in energy transitions.

Dr Luis Huckstadt
Dr Luis Huckstadt
Senior Lecturer @UniofExeter. Ecophysiology of marine top predators (🦭, 🐋, 🐧). Pinnipedologist. He/Him #immigrantscientist #PinnipedFacts 🇨🇱➡️ 🇬🇧 www.luishuckstadt.com / https://antarctic-seals.com/
Callum Roberts
Callum Roberts
Professor of Marine Conservation, University of Exeter, UK.
Chief Scientist Convex Seascape Survey; Advisor to Blue Marine Foundation, Maldives Coral Institute, BBC Blue Planet III, CORDAP; Trustee of Nekton; Author of Reef Life: An Underwater Memoir.
Barbara Tschirren
Barbara Tschirren
Senior Lecturer at the University of Exeter's Centre for Ecology and Conservation. Interested in the ecology & evolution of health and disease, life history evolution, cross-generational effects, and more.
Alex Mesoudi
Alex Mesoudi
Cultural evolution researcher at the University of Exeter (Penryn campus), UK.
President of the Cultural Evolution Society @culturalevolsoc.bsky.social
Website: alexmesoudi.com
Tatiana Dimitriu
Tatiana Dimitriu
@royalsociety University Research Fellow in St Andrews. Bacterial evolution, mobile genetic elements & defence systems, antibiotic resistance, social interactions. 🇫🇷 with some 🇷🇴 and 🇺🇦 roots. She/her
Sean Meaden
Sean Meaden
Microbial ecology / evolution / genomics @ University of York
Richard B. Sherley
Richard B. Sherley
Senior Lecturer and 2019 Pew marine fellow @exetermarine.bsky.social 🐧🦈🐟🦢📉 Fan of the good Reverend Bayes, good ale, good tea, and being outside. He/Him. http://richardsherley.com
Marcus Rhodes
Marcus Rhodes
Ecologist in pursuit of butterflies 🦋 | Postdoctoral Research Associate at the University of Exeter, Cornwall working on nature recovery and species' responses to climate change | He/Him
Andy Young
Andy Young
Evolutionary Biologist - Social Evolution & Ageing (animalsocieties.org)
Study sparrow-weavers, badgers & microbes @ #ExeterCEC in Cornwall UK
Director MSc Evolutionary & Behavioural Ecology #ExeterGSES
Rock climber, sea kayaker, father of twins
Hosken Lab Cornwall
evolutionary ecology, behaviour, genetics
Tiffany Taylor
Tiffany Taylor
Professor of Microbial Ecology and Evolution at the Life Sciences Department at the University of Bath. Royal Society Dorothy Hodgkin Research Fellow. Children's author evolution/genetics. Mum.

Daniel Padfield
Daniel Padfield
Microbial ecologist/carer. NERC Fellow at the University of Exeter in Penryn. I like warming up bacteria, open & reproducible science, potatoes, and exercise.
Exeter Marine
Exeter Marine
Representing the University of Exeter's Marine research and education community #ExeterMarine
University of Exeter CEC
University of Exeter CEC
Sharing the successes of staff and students from the Centre for Ecology and Conservation, at the University of Exeter's Cornwall Campus.
John Clarke
John Clarke
Evolutionary biologist, paleontologist. Website: http://bit.ly/JTCsite Macroevolution, phylogenetic comparative methods, diversification, phenotypic evolution of 🐠🌿🦋 Postdoc @LMU Munich
Current Biology
Current Biology
Scientific journal publishing research, overview, commentary across all of biology. All of it!


Part of CellPress
Stu Bearhop
Stu Bearhop
Academic at the University of Exeter. Animal ecologist 📊
Researching: animal migration 🦅, foraging behaviour🦆
Will likely post about: research🔬, teaching🎓, wildlife🦋, birds🐦‍⬛, ornithology 🪶, landscapes🏔️, coast🏝️, kayaking🚣, cycling🚲
Erik Postma
Erik Postma
Associate Professor @ University of Exeter in Cornwall #ExeterCEC Evolution and genetics of life, love and death. Also: 🐈 🐓 🍺 🚴 🏔️ 🇳🇱 🇨🇭 🇬🇧
University of Exeter News
University of Exeter News
All of the latest news from @uniofexeter.bsky.social - updated by the Press Office. Reposts aren't necessarily endorsements
Alice Trevail
Alice Trevail
Animal movement, seabird ecology, oceanography & reproducible data science; Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the University of Exeter alicetrevail.github.io
Brendan Godley
Brendan Godley
Conservation Scientist, U of Exeter, Cornwall (UK). Biodiversity, ecology & conservation (research, practice & education). Esp. marine realm- sea turtles, fisheries, and ocean plastic. Academic Lead at @exetermarine.bsky.social & @exetergses.bsky.social
End of list.