
It never ceases to amaze me that we had all these centuries of evolution, a million billion accidents had to happen to cause each and every one of us to come into being... And this is what we're doing with that serendipity. This. The banality of it is astonishing.
My ancestors fought, killed, died, so that I might drink tea while doing a job I don't like, in an industry I find repulsive, in an economy that doesn't value any but the most fortunate, so I can afford to pump cold air through my house because prior generations broke the world doing this same shit.
I told you I was having a pre-caffeine existential crisis. 😆
Every one of my ancestors, from the first single celled lifeform on down would be disappointed in me if they somehow found out I wear pants.
Legitimately had to check where you're from to see if you meant underwear or trousers.