
Ah, yes. That notorious antisemitic slur: "White supremacist." 🙄 Or is the Daily Beast confusing "Zionist" with "Jewish?" That's worryingly lazy journalism.
Did they hang "Zionist" signs on the houses of board members who weren't Jewish?
You tell me, were they? But none of the iconography in the vandalism is antisemitic unless you equivocate Zionism with being Jewish. Which is kinda antisemitic to do in the first place, ya know?
Ask David Duke whether people ever say "Zionist" when they mean "Jew." It's not like there's a whole tradition of it among neo-nazis or anything. You're trying to be cute but failing miserably. And you're being glib about matters of life and death where your own ass will never be on the line.
I don't speak to white supremacists, if I can avoid it. "Zionist" has a very particular meaning and history. I'm sorry your knowledge only extends as far as David Duke, apparently. You're going to have to do better than that. I'll try not to be so glib, "Mr. Cheeseburgers." 😆
"I'm a leftist so I can't be a bigot" is certainly a look, my dude.
Nothing I've said here hinges on my being a leftist, Mr. Cheeseburgers. Much as you'd like for that to be the case, this is something where you have to provide proof to back up your strong assertions, such as the vandals being your fellow acolytes of David Duke in their understanding of "Zionism."
Ok. You're right. Totally not antisemitic. You tell those Jews who say otherwise. I'm sure you can even point to a plethora of Jews who say it isn't. Such a convenient shield!
Weird energy, Chesebro, but glad to hear you acknowledge your accusations are baseless.