
Holy shit, some good news: CDC recommends a prophylaxis regimen for bacterial STIs. Basically, morning after antibiotics for people who have had a bacterial STI in the last year, and had new unprotected sex likely to result in syphilis, chlamydia, or gonorrhea.
CDC Recommends Doxycycline Prophylaxis to Prevent STIs in As part of a comprehensive sexual health approach, clinicians should offer certain patients a prescription for doxycycline to take within 72 hours of
until we have vaccines for the bacterials (and they’ve been remarkably difficult) this is about the best possible option.
Will this not lead to antibiotic resistance the same way it has in cattle?
You planning on taking them every day? For months or years at a time? Or preventing people from actually finishing a prescribed course? That’s how you create antibiotic resistance, most of which has happened in the agriculture sector, where abx are poorly or non-regulated. 1/2
And the TB resistant strains were caused by preventing TB patients from having the financial and housing stability to continue taking the drug for the minimum 6 months required. Antibiotic resistance has been part of the playing field since 1948. This is nothing new.
While I cannot offer any scientific analysis of human antibiotic use, I can comment on the history of cattle antibiotics. Every steer at a feedlot is injected with antibiotics, and have since the 1950s, so the sheer volume and duration drove the bovine-born resistance over the decades.