
Me: I’m not taken very seriously because I am young Me five years later: half of the people I talk to think I’m still five+ years younger than I am and don’t take me seriously and the other half think I’m old because apparently there is no acceptable age for women and also don’t take me seriously
This is like Schrödinger’s cat, no one knows your age making you both young and old—but it doesn’t matter because because they still don’t take you seriously either way
I’m calling it Schrödinger’s maiden, mother, and crone
Ugh, I get that. I was asked not a week ago what high school I go to. Respectfully, Random-Person-at-my-Workplace, I am 34. I am married and have a six year-old. Please do not give me life advice like I'm a child. *eyetwitch*
no one knows what a woman in her mid-30s looks like, they can't figure it out
In my case some people don't take me seriously cause I am a woman 🫠 (I am non binary actually but most people just sees me as a girl) and the ammount of times they have been paternalistic with me and treated me like a small child that doesn't know anything and even about my own career is exhausting.