
fwiw I think it’s probably impossible to replace a vacant VP slot with a split Congress now, which creates some real bad incentives when the out-party holds the House
to be extremely clear about what I’m saying: If Biden were to vacate office tomorrow, Harris would be President, VP would be open, and Speaker Johnson would be next in line.
The VP spot there can’t be filled without a majority of the same House that resulted in Speaker Johnson, and surely someone is going to notice that we’re a heartbeat away from a Republican President.
Mitt Romney for VP challenge (Just rejected West Wing scripts all staples together at this point)
I thought the Senate confirmed VP
Well, I suppose I'm not feeling too bad about that. Johnson can't really keep the GOP caucus together when government functioning is on the line. He'd delay but ultimately he caves and a few GOP would vote to affirm. Also, I don't think anyone in the GOP would want him to be president either.
Does that mean in the future, that the runner-up in the Democratic primary should become the vice-president, to keep the various party factions unified? Or do nominees want the discretion to pick their own running mate?
If both nominees were from the same state, that would become an issue. Workshopping
no, it means that the succession mechanism we haven't used since Ford is probably broken