
Calling it the “Israel-Hamas War” is an interesting continued usage of style-guide propaganda to paper over how it is a war on the people of Gaza.
I wouldn’t really even call it a “war” so much as a preplanned and systematic genocide and ethnic cleansing.
It's the US-Israeli-AUKUS war on Palestinians.
Should be all of them. Then you could let Amy Schumer write some burbling op-ed about how they're all Hamas.
Imagine standing against genocide, domocide, apartheid, humanity humiliation being so controversial it's possibly career breaking.
Literally no one's career will suffer in the slightest.
You're a fucking idiot if you believe that. There's a dozen actors that have lost their jobs, musicians have been dropped, directors dropped, not to mention athletes. Didn't even cover regular people at various firms.
Ah. So this response is way too toxic and aggressive for me. I'm trying to leave this kind of discourse back on Twitter. I'm going to mute you now. Take care and have a great week.
This discourse ain't from Twitter. If you're not realistic and won't bother to look it up yourself in not holding your hands. I'm glad you muted me. And I'll return the favor. If you think people aren't being silenced for something as simple as FREE PALESTINE you're lying to everyone and yourself.
Also don't act like "this is toxic! Boohoo!" You're literally gaslighting people by being dismissive and disinformation peddling. You're the toxicTwitter troll. One look at your skeets and replies tells everyone who you are. Don't want trash? Don't be the trash.
Here for the very sane, hinged, and understated comments.
It's not a war when there's only one side fighting. Hamas hasn't been doing anything since the initial attack they made months ago. Yes what they did was horrible and shouldn't be unnoticed, but the genocide on 2 million innocent people is NOT the right answer to it.
Still hope they will vote for "20 Days in Mariupol" though.