
I think somebody who has incomplete info must have leaked something about Parkinson’s to the NYT and possibly the rest of the WHPC. it seems likely that his medical team is in fact keeping an eye out for Parkinson’s
It seems to me the NYT (and WH Press for that matter) should have cross-referenced the dates of Dr. Cannard’s visits w/ the president’s schedule. On the second of the supposed 8 dates, 8/25/23, Biden wasn’t at the WH for any of that day. He was at Tom Steyer’s place in Tahoe that whole week.
This "Dr. Cannard was in the visitor logs a bunch of times" smoke started on the right-wing media though, which makes it seem like the NYT got inception'd by the Nat'l Review and Fox News
We also know that in 2020 Donald Trump exhibited severe enough neurological symptoms (and possibly suffered a mini-stroke) that a doctor ordered a Montreal Cognitive Assessment, which Trump now routinely brags about!