
If you grew up on the west coast, I think you never quite grow accustomed to the east coast thing where every neighborhood sounds like it’s having a moderately disorganized battle each evening for a week around the 4th of July.
Alright alright, I give. Most of the west coast is apparently a veritable war zone too. Where I grew up, we had really high wildfire risk, so maybe that’s why my memory isn’t of *all this.*
Don’t recall much in the way of neighborhood frwks as a Bay Area kid. More big official shows & watching Pops back east. Local fireworks tending more toward spinny/whizzy colorful low ground stuff than loud booms. Definitely more concern re setting weeds/etc on fire than v now w/ landscaped yards
Yeah this is what I remember too
Ground Bloom Flowers. They were incredible.
Yeah, it wasn't a lot in my SF neighborhood. My brother and his friends did a few cherry bombs and firecrackers, we girls lit sparklers and "snakes."