
Just read this column on who could replace Biden if he steps aside: One aspect I'd be interested in knowing if would be inclined to answer - What happens if Dems go down this road from a media PoV? Is it all "Dems in disarray" stories until 11/5?
Opinion | If not Biden, who? Five columnists rate the field of potential replacements for the Democratic presidential nominee.
If there were a contested convention, the Dems would not be unified during that period and of course that would be covered by the media as a time of disunity. But would Whitmer-Booker be polling ahead of Trump by Sept 10? I think that's the real question. I don't know the answer to it.
I have written extensively about the shortcomings of American political journalism. But I don't view the last week as a huge media failure. Two very important questions are being discussed: 1. Is the president up to four more years on the job? 2. Can he be an effective candidate?
1) Thank you very much for replying to an internet rando! 2) Having read much of your work in WP, I agree that you do not shy from pointing out shortcomings. 3) Parsing how a change would be framed by MSM should be part of the calculus done by Dems & those suggesting a change IMO.
Much like figuring out if anyone other than Harris can use campaign funds, gaming how this would be framed is imperative. "Old man who we all knew was old decides to retire" v "Dems pick good governance over POTUS" could maybe make a difference. Just thought it was a part of the column missing.
I would agree, except that every article saying Biden should step aside is implying that Trump shouldn’t. Actually it’s implying Trump is the best possible candidate for the GOP. The whole “but her emails” thing suggested that Trump would be better at securing our secrets. Was he good at that?
I don't know, but Whitmer/Booker, or any ticket without Harris at the top, would have less money and organization. Under FEC regulations, only Harris could inherit the Biden-Harris campaign donations. The VP people voted for has inherent legitimacy as a replacement that no alternate can match.
I think pretty much any D would in theory fare about the same against Trump, but with just 4 months left, inviting more chaos to bypass the VP while also throwing away the existing campaign funds is only justified by a much better candidate. And frankly I don't see who would be so clearly better.
Also, what about ballot access for any replacement?
Oh no need to worry about that. All the states/their reps have shown they're super chill & understanding about changing rules to fit unprecedented events. Just get that out of your mind!