
Like I hate the DNC with the fire of one thousand suns but they are not going to immediately try to revoke my trans friends’ personhood in 2025.
They will. To satiate the Republicans. I remember when Clinton signed DOMA and DADT
…because being kicked out of the military is the same being unpersoned and legally murderable This is not a trill take, hun.
Help for what? Being able to tell that an other-than-honorable isn’t the same thing as driving children to suicide? By all means, school me on how those are equivalent things.
It's unlikely Trump can be kept from Texas's 40 electoral votes. I say the best attempt validates itself, regardless of result. One way it does so is by drawing in the widest possible coalition of voters to begin skewing down-ballot away from Abbot & co. Please say Biden's not your go-to for this.
Biden isn’t my go-to for occupying space, friend. His only function in this world as far as I’m concerned is being the other option on the ballot. A ham sandwich could fully replace him as my candidate.
Which leaves you very far short of top-of-the-ticket candidates who will attract rather than repel people who will make the less inhumane choices Texans need further down the ballot. You're repelling people. You're working for Trump and Handmaid's Tale. Voter suppression.
I’m on your side, ya miserable wretch, and it is LITERALLY IMPOSSIBLE FOR ME TO DO VOTER SUPPRESSION. No part of voting for Biden requires liking him, or even saying one good thing about him, and getting him elected is 0% my responsibility. Because I don’t work for him, either.
Anyone who could even imagine voting for Trump was never reachable by me in the first place. We have nothing in common; we have no shared experience to connect on. People are not interchangeable. I cannot speak anything meaningful to people who care that little about politics.
You know I don't suggest a vote for Trump. I've directly said voting for the Dem nominee is a bit worse than useless many places. Yet I suggest voting for President there. I'm not selling vowels.
You’re really impressively bad at understanding what I assume is the only language you speak. Nothing about what I said implies I think you’re voting for Trump. Learn to fucking read. I’m bored of you. Joe Biden is a piece of shit. I’m going to vote for anyone who isn’t Donald Trump. Cope.