
My post about Danny Elfman went semi-viral on Threads and people are saying "of course! He had a song called I Love Little Girls!" But 1) that song isn't about pedophilia; it's about dudes he saw in Hollywood with younger girlfriends and 2) his accusers weren't children.
If we're going to look to his work for signs of the somnophilia stuff he's accused of, the thing that sticks out to me is the "there's something dangerous I like" line in "Private Life," but that would require looking past just the title of the song.
Also, even if that song /was/ about a pedophile, that wouldn't mean he was one (and, as far as the current accusations go, he doesn't seem to be one).
In a weird way, people have gone so big on protecting children from predators that, as soon as they hear someone is a sex predator, they assume it's of children to a point of erasing adults who get preyed on. Admitting that adults can be assaulted doesn't take away from children!
A great many people are looking to confirm a bias that people who create 'edgy' material are all secretly predators. They think this whether there are actual accusations or not. Many such cases
This is why so many pastors get away with it.
Every industry has its Marilyn Mansons but also its John Lasseters
I honestly think Danny Elfman is closer to Lasseter than Manson as far as his appeal goes. I mean, not exclusively for children or anything, but he was far from a shock rocker in his day.