
I say this with genuine love and concern: A lot of you really need to detach yourself from the nonstop social media circus and touch grass, because it is really fucking you up in heartbreaking ways.
My feed: They appointed him king! The actual ruling: uh, yeah, the lower court needs to sort out what is and isn’t an official act, because we’re too chickenshit to do it
Thank you. Their decision is spineless horseshit, but people are acting like they made Jan 6th a national holiday or something and it's not helping.
That's what I can't get over. How blatantly fucking cowardly they are to punt it AND at the very end no less.
They’re spineless weasels in robes
Gonna spend the last week of my 40’s watching shark movies and being lazy. Still a long road to November.
Yesterday I realized the “vibes” feel almost exactly like they did circa May 2020, i.e. I’m watching people become completely unglued all over again in real time. Thank God for offline hobbies.
I say this as a guy who has been repeatedly gut punched by life: If you’re not reacting by plotting out your next two steps, you’re just wasting your time.
I’ve never had time for folks who wallow in recriminations and “if onlys.”
Gotta say you have been one of the only people out here talking sense lately
I’m not seeing much of that, frankly, just a lot of “this is how the world ends” (humorously, sometimes from the very same people who spent all 2016 insisting SCOTUS appointments were irrelevant), Seal Team fantasies & “surely THIS will bring civil war/revolution/blah blah blah.”