
You don’t get to wonder “what’s the harm” in vandalizing a fucking library and then call someone else “pig ignorant”
I’ve written books on protesters and, guess what, the successful ones were smart enough to realize “destroying art and books” was a technique that would only drive people away
I'm a grad student at Portland State. The library was trashed and closed until fall for extensive repairs. It was a hub of the PSU community. It strikes me as hypocritical to protest the destruction of a community by destroying a vital hub of a community.
Sorry, you’re equating the annihilation of the Palestinian people with grad students not having access to a library?
I'm not. What's happening in Palestine is so far worse. What I'm saying is that if you claim to be concerned with safe communities and human rights, you should be concerned about all communities and human rights. No community or demographic is more deserving than the other.
The library was not a hub of war. It was not a place where people conspired to destroy Palestinians. It was, on so many ways, a place people used to spread information, express concern, and rally support. Now that's gone. How does that further the cause?
Now, you want to go after Raytheon or Lockheed, have at it. Those fuckers can burn. But a library, especially one at a university in which the student community was already largely supportive of the Palestinian cause? That's just self defeating.
Again: your argument is that books are more important than people. That there is an amount of painted books that would make you stop wanting to help stop a genocide. That makes you a piece of shit, who was never a potential asset, whose priorities are inhuman. Fuck your civility.
Dude, it could not possibly be more obvious that you’re a pro-Israel troll
Yeah? Because of the massive number of anti-Israel things I’ve said, because of my ardent anti-Zionism, because of saying IOF soldiers have no rights in Palestine, or because someone shat in your skull where a brain is supposed to be? Peruse my skyline. No living thing could think I’m pro-Israel.
Here, have some OC. Super pro-Israel, right? You fucking buffoon. How dare you speak in public.
Just more and more obvious that you’re a pro-Israel plant trying to make people hate the Palestinian movement. Nobody who sincerely. wants positive change is this big of a tool. Real activists know how counterproductive that is. Sell it somewhere else, Netanyahu