
I remember when it was perfectly normal to smack a woman if the dinner was cold and she couldn't do anything about it. She didn't even have her own bank account. She was called "hysterical" if she called police. She had no legal rights to restraining orders or even divorce. She was my Mother.
Too many have forgotten or are too young and don’t realize what it was like for women.
Out of sight out of mind. Too many romanticize the 50s and the 60s "Fashion and glamour" images and have no idea that it's fun to wear pretty dresses and have a perfect looking home until it becomes mandatory 24/7. They take their individual freedom for granted.
I sat in on a group book discussion on Dancing With Pomegranates with younger women. They had no clue. They were shocked that I couldn’t get a credit card or bank account on my own. The state university I went to had to be sued to let women enter. So much more. They hadn’t lived it.
Like No fault divorce. Most don't realize the fight for that has been going on since the 70s and though it's legal at this moment, the last state only legalized it in 2010. That's only 14 years ago. Conservatives have been trying to take individual rights away using religion since humans could walk.
Mind boggling isn’t it? Even someone my age can feel that it was so long ago but it wasn’t. We still can’t get the ERA ratified. As a therapist who worked with women going through divorces it was an unjust system and still is to some degree. Project 2025 scares the crap out of me.
Project 2025 will reverse no fault divorce across the board.As well as most women's rights like birth control and private medical access. Once that is firmly in place we can kiss our vote good-bye as well.
Exactly! Praying more people will learn what’s really at stake. Doing my best to spread the word.
I think finally the word is getting out. I have been begging people for 2 years to read it and they just wouldn't. Too long, too complicated, too much legal jargon... That is changing finally and I now have hope. You can't fight what you can't see.
Attention spans are shorter too. Breaking it into segments or summaries like that help.