
Also as we get older we’re not supposed to fit in with the kids! Leave them alone! It’s normal and fine for them to find things outside their own age cohort extremely cringe.
Some Millennials in my timeline are insecure because Gen Zs are telling them their ankle socks age them. I can't stress enough that you don't need to care about what a bunch of 20-somethings think about your clothes, mainly bc you don't have to care about what ANYONE thinks about your clothes.
Yeah like… I’m 39, and the kids are saying I look like in 39?? This is a problem??? It’s how I’m supposed to look.
Right? Also it’s like, “Oh no young people can make accurate assessments about us,” like it’s a bad thing?? They’re observant and know how to position themselves and others in a room? That’s great!
I honestly think a lot of this is where-you-are stuff. Folks who are not yet where they'd hope to be career-wise or romantically, etc want to feel like they've got as much time as possible, so any suggestion that they aren't as young as the youngsters can be a real blow.
(Folks whose aspirations fall more comfortably into previous-generation timelines seem to embrace their "we're the age we are, with all that entails" more readily)
I hadn’t considered this! This is very kind.
Yeah, I wont lie that there have been times where I find myself surrounded by younger people simply because of where I am professionally or based on what I'm doing. In THOSE times, the fear of being labeled a creep or a weirdo just for being there is at non-zero levels.
I still don't feel the urge to try and make myself look younger as a result of this, mind you, but I understand the impulse.