
Srsly tho, the idea that queerness was irreconcilable with Christianity being so widespread has a lot more to do with US political culture and cultural hegemony than is obvious. Elsewhere, the Church has taken a very different stance, refusing to serve as a token for right-wing hatemongering.
Casual reminder that rightoids invoking their mantra of "Christian values" only do so for smokescreen purposes, and get obnoxiously defiant when the Church actually comments on them. Or... hey chat, guess how right-wingers have reacted to the Catholic Bishops of Germany releasing this statement?
Not queer-specific enough? In March 2023, the German synod incl. Bishops passed a motion demanding self-ID in canon law matters, total abolition of gender-based discrimination in Church labor law, equal access to consecrated life for trans Catholics, etc.
So yeah, there you are: The Church can be our ally, and while she might not exactly be the ally we've expected I certainly think we shouldn't dismiss, or disregard, the possibilities. It is now our job to make such changes happen everywhere else... and hey, should we not?
And remember what all this had started with? A humble and modest queer film project, made by queer folks at the grassroots. Can you now believe me when I tell you that grassroots work moves mountains? At least I hope so, because ever since, I'm even more impressed by its power.
I think we're very much meant to. Because, not only is it downright cruel to deny someone's genuine attempts at doing better... but also do I think it would be effin' amazing to have the literal Catholic Church on our side, I mean come on, would that be nothing?!
I think it's possible, and probably inevitable, that the church will come around on the trans issue. I also think this probably won't happen in my lifetime. the vatican moves agonizingly slow
also like obviously American churches are not gonna be pioneering anything here lmao
I shall not let corrupting talk leave my mouth, thus... 😅 But yeah, I'd also guess it's not quite a coincidence that it's Germans paving the way... getting reichskonkordated after having been that nation's midwife and fostress for ~1200 years did render German Catholics rather wary of the fash.
Alas, however lazy an apologia that might be, I can't help circling back to highlighting how the Vatican is the epitome of an ivory tower by its very nature and we can't expect Vatican dwellers to understand any issues, let alone sex and gender issues, we haven't educated them personally about, ,
(And unfortunately, right-wing influencers/publishers/propagandists are the ones crafting the internationally received publications ostentatiously labelled as Christian media... can't read e.g. Dignitas Infinita without immediately recognizing certain word choices and knowing where they came from.)