
I’ve read just a couple of these stories — I wonder if there are more cases that don’t make the news — but so far, the apostates to the right have all been women.
"after taking office and examining hundreds of pages of curriculum, Gore was shocked by what she found — and didn’t find. The pervasive indoctrination she had railed against simply did not exist."
A GOP Texas school board member campaigned against schools indoctrina… Courtney Gore, a Granbury ISD school board member, has disavowed the far-right platform she campaigned on. Her defiance has brought her backlash.
What I keep coming away with is: they didn't bother doing any research before buying into the scare. I'll give her credit for realizing it wasn't real, but I'll point out she's still a Republican.
But they did. They listened to the news and information sources they trusted, just like you and I do. This woman had the very rare experience of then getting first hand knowledge that showed her she had been lied to.
So literally no one could actually look at the curriculum without getting elected first?
The article says she was "the co-host of a far-right online talk show". I get that she was just buying into the scare tactics she'd ingested from other right wing media, but as she was also in a position to widely *spread* the (m/d)isinformation, I would hope she'd already look into things more.
Definitely credit for doing a 180 (well, ~120 :) ) when she did look into the claims, but her experiences since then seem to highlight how unwilling others are to do the same.
I think the point was that all of the things she researched are freely available to the public already. She just chose not to access them until after she was elected.
If they did research, it wouldn't be a scare. The scariness is the whole and only point.