
Clarita Vargas was 8 when a priest took her and other girls to his office to watch a TV movie, then groped and fondled her as she sat on his lap — the beginning of three years of sexual abuse, she said.
Vargas said she had difficulty trusting anyone and found it hard to build relationships. As an adult, she never wanted to eat chocolate because that is what the abusive priest used to give the children. “I shouldn’t have felt ashamed by it, but I was,” she said.
Some of the survivors said that as children they had tried to tell adults but were rebuffed or not believed. Lists of accused priests are inconsistent and incomplete, and many survivors have not come forward. Others are aging and in poor health, or, like their abusers, have died.
‘In the name of God’: Native American children endured years of sexual abuse at boarding Taken from their families and sent to remote boarding schools, Native American children often faced sexual abuse by priests, brothers or sisters who ran the facilities.
Geraldine Charbonneau Dubourt said that she was 16 when a Catholic priest repeatedly raped her in a church basement and that a doctor and several Catholic sisters later forced her to undergo an abortion.
These firsthand accounts reveal the brutality and abuse inflicted upon children who were taken from families under a systematic effort by the federal government to destroy Native American culture, assimilate them into White society and seize tribal lands.
‘In the name of God’: Native American children endured years of sexual abuse at boarding Taken from their families and sent to remote boarding schools, Native American children often faced sexual abuse by priests, brothers or sisters who ran the facilities.
The Post is examining the legacy of America’s network of Indian boarding schools. Do you have a tip or story idea for our investigation? Email the team at: [email protected]
Did you sit on this story too?
I hope you guys do Phoenix because we literally have one in the middle of the city and a street named after it
The right is always focused on transgender - But the abuse happens in churches time & again.