
i can go verry slow. thread incoming. you will have to click to see replies because the app won't show them even if theyre great. they will be great. ok. so ABC 123 thats a Michael Jackson song. kdot openly calls Drizzy MJ in the beef. because of the pedo ring allegation its also a code key. A=1,
i feel like a prophet with the shit i found in the kdot beef tracks but im too fast with my solve. and too excited when i talk. "slow down!" they say. but i only have until the 13th (or the 31st if my first guess was off) before everyone is able to see with the B Side hindsight that i have right now
B=2, C=3, etc. notice here that B is associated with 2. is that a tight or a loose association? Bee an entomologist. put a pin in it. let's listen to euphoria lyrics and see if we can hear for things that stand out hmm. right at the beginning kdot repeats some words. thats kind of odd right?
pulitzer prize winner in a rap beef with the king of pop-rap. up against a modern day MJ, after saying "im Prince! i'll outlive you" on Like That weeks earlier, kdot decides to reuse words? seems almost lazy master manipulator said twice calculate said twice Bee an entomologist. place a pin.
later in the song as kdot intensifies, he says "matter fact i aint even Bleed him yet. can i Bleed him? Bet: when i see you stand by Sexxy Red, i Believe you see two Bad Bitches..." i got stuck on this line because it sounded like a totally random shot at Sexxy Red. and because it was rushed!
once again i feel like we have a rapper underperforming expectations. kind of coming up short, going on after rushing a random reference to talk about "you might pop ass with em" as if twerking is shameful why the misogyny? that line stuck in my head also why so many B's wait TWO Bad Bitches?
B=2. is he doing some deep nested ABC 123 humor for some reason? is this about a pedo ring somehow? so maybe we get curious about if there is a secret meaning under the surface because the Sexxy Red line is sitting in between all these B's how old is Sexxy Red? 26 hmm that could be A-Z. pin it
she's 26 so what's the joke? Sexxy Red was PREGNANT in the pic with Drake. its a nasty dagger to the gut. "on average, looking at a pregnant 26yo is the same as looking at two 13yo" Drake is being accused of daydreaming about two kids when around a grown woman! but HOL UP "B". "13". you see?
i Believe you see a 13 when you look at a B. it's a reach. but i believe you see it i think kdot is speaking to the listener on one level. "hey check this out! 2 Bad Bitches puts us in that B=2 mode. and ALSO it splits the alphabet into 13s if you look at it right" but what does that have to do,
with those doubled MM's earlier in the song? well. M is the 13th letter and Drizzy teased Kdot about being close to Taylor Swift and 13 is Taylor's lucky number they were on a song together once. a song called Bad Blood! "can i bleed him, bet?" i think kdot is pointing at a puzzle here
i only think kdot likes making puzzles because he sometimes talks in vagueries and because one time on a song called Nosetalgia with Pusha T (who he rapped about "inheriting" this beef from) he was fully in his gematria bag. many wrote about how denze his numerologic references were in that song
i am about kdots age, just a couple years older, and i know when halo 2 was about to come out he would have been a teenager prolly still eating cereal and watching cartoons to promote the game Halo 2, there was a huge Alternate Reality Game that took the internet by surprise / by storm that game?
well it was called ilovebees feels like a reach, i know. but then a commenter points out that the studio that designed ilovebees also designed a game called The Beast (pin that) for a movie called AI starring Haley Joel Osment. he was in 6ixth sense too kdot references both movies in the beef
i think kendrick lamar created an ARG on his own and hid it in his whole career waiting for us to find it. in Not Like Us he tells Drake "the raBBit hole gets deep" and he also calls him "B-Rad, Bitch" another Bad Bitch, barely hidden. two more B's and btw. "Malibu's Most Wanted". "Baywatch"...
like, in swimming pools, back on GKMC, kdot had said "all the girls tryna play baywatch." in light of new beef info pointing at Drake's possible tender pedo ring situation isnt it possible the kids were playing Bae-watch with Drake? like a crowd of girls brought to see their Certified Loverboy?
but hold on. that also would maybe justify (if allegations are true) kdot calling Drake a bad bitch. he's a dog for what he does and he's bad but why a bitch too? on Meet the Grahams, he tells Adonis "you can Be a Bitch even if you got Bitches"
if im right and kdot has dug a rabbit hole as deep as i think, we should be able to detect sneak disses *at Drake SPECIFICALLY*, whenever a Bad Bitch comes up in his past catalog yes i said whenever you can hide an insult at a misogynist by pretending to insult a woman lets go dig for a second
Wesley Theory, Fuckin Problems (Original), and Auntie Diaries all have the phrase. could there be a sneak diss at Drake on a track like Fuckin Problems (Original)? which Drake also rapped on a little bit? "Every pocket on me bleeds, I'm a selfish ass nigga Mmm, deuces up, black coupes is us...
(uh huh) Or maybe the white on white, Ku and Klux Head all in the bathroom Beg for it, I'll be back soon.." more B's in there at the end. Four of them. and he's talking bleed again. Bad Blood? and he's talking deuces oh wait back to euphoria "have you ever walked your enemy down like with a...
POKER face?" what if there are card game references in kdot's music that are about Drake? "hang on thiiird. you havent showed me any Bad Bitch in Fuckin Problem other than the ones Drake fucks in the chorus" i am telling you he fucked Drake the Bad Bitch in those verses
"Overdosed on bad bitches, I swear One on both arm but need two pair, I beast" more cards. two pair! back to euphoria. pulling pins. it us getting explosive in my mind now. calculate. calculate. Master Manipulator said Twice two pair of M's two Men in Mirrors more MJ jokes in the beef
also, if you thought that ARG game The Beast was a huge reach tangent to ilovebees, why does kdot say "beast" at the very end here? is beast about beauty and the beast? MJ in Thriller resembles that! why does drake's story (i have a castle, ur 16, live with me til you fall in love) MIRROR that
i can't get beauty and the beast out of my head for two important reasons. the piano melody on meet the grahams (not the part at the end but the first three descending melody repetitions) is the same as when belle sings "there must be more than this provincial life" and canada has PROVINCES
could be a reach. except that fourth repetition is the melody for "open up the" from when Elsa says "tell the guards to open up the gates" in Frozen which kdot names in the text of the same song is there really not a there here? or is there a man in the mirror? where else can we find a bad B
oh. auntie diaries. the problematic kdot song another place he seems to fall short imo. probably a worse shortfall than word repetition or rushing a phrase though. it hurts real people's feelings, that song. why so many F slurs? it's not cool wait F=6 the slur has 6 letters a code? 6 God?
lyric snippet Thinking, "I want me a bad bitch when I get big" They hug on the corner like California King Cold hand all up her skirt, cars whistling down the road See, my auntie is a man now, slight bravado Scratching the likes from lotto Hoping that she pull up tomorrow Cali and Frozen again
based on what we know about Drake now because the messy beef has spilled many a secret, those last two lines might be about more Beauty and the Beast moves. pulling up like pulling to refresh an app? "like lotto" being instagram dm's where he finds ladies to fly up to where age of consent is 16?
is there another Bad Bitch in the past that could maybe remind us of Drake with the benefit of beef hindsight? something he floated over Drizzys head so he could sting him with it later? hol up float? sting? dont put a pin in that one. no need to. drake won't catch. too slow. LET IT RUN, ALI
i digress. there is another bad bitch in Wesley Theory and HERE's a weird coincidence. it's the only thing without any annotations. not even so much as a guess? "Platinum on everythin', platinum on weddin' ring Married to the game and a bad bitch chose"
Drake just said on Push Ups "I could never be nobody's number 1 fan. Your first number 1 i had to put it in your hand" did "BBL drizzy" put a platinum hit in Kendrick's hand? making him swear some sort of fealty or bottom dog position to him? if so was the loyalty genuine? maybe not.sneak diss
"but thiiird" you interject, "you are cherrypicking. kdot tells drake on euphoria that he doesnt sneak diss" no he doesnt he says "i hate the way that you walk the way that you talk i hate the way that you dress / i hate the way that you sneak diss.if i catch flight its gon be direct"
kdot can walk but he hates how drake does it. he can talk and dress himself but hates how drizzy does it (maybe because he cant lace up his own shoes? true story according to GQ. put a pin in "laces".) he hates the WAY drake sneak disses. HIS OWN WAY is far subtler. hes gone undetected for YEARS
where is another clue that he is only insulting "Bad Bitches" as a surface diss, to actually insult drake? hol up. verse 2: "I call a bitch a bitch a hoe a hoe a woman a woman I NEVER DID NOTHIN BUT BREAK THE GROUND ON TOP OF THE ASPHALT." maybe EVERY misogynist diss kdot EVER did is toward Drake
so then we just rewind THAT SAME SONG. "Stewardess complimenting me on my nappy hair" (a loose thematic lace comes loose and swings into view. let's bat it away for now. he won't say "what is it the BRAIDS" for another 13 years! Braid was a game about rewinding until the hero is the villain btw)
sorry. got distracted. i get really impatient and immature when im engaging with my autistic special interests which include lyricism and puzzles. i get to be a real BaBy when i get to cracking. also my ADHD crazy. oops off track. Hol Up! "I wrote this record while 30000 feet in the air..."🦋
floating over Drake's head, with all of us watching, he continues. Continues walking his enemy down. like with a poker face (recall he just said that in euphoria) "Stewardess complimenting me on my nappy hair. If i could fuck her in front of all of these passengers, theyd probably think i'm a
...time stops. you are whisked backwards, upwards, into the void of space. tiny points of starlight seem to imply constellations. just look! all the stars! but its too much to take in all at once. its too big to Konnect Dots all on one's own. but you still try. you want to see the art on the wall
"theyd probably think im a terrorist. finish my asparagus then im askin her thoughts of a young nigga. fast money and freedom..." surface level questions, to Drake. here's a thug kid who raps hard and wants a taste of the good life he couldnt have a secret plan to "terrorist". in the air? suicide!
here is Kendrick Lamar on Buried Alive Inteude, a track where he ostensibly swears an oath of fealty to Drake on a track and turns his back on real hip hop. here is the end of the intro and the very beginning of the verse.
just. fucking. LOOK. not just "suicidal terrorist" but as he looks into a MIRROR. M M M M two men in mirrors i and i and u and u what is in the part before the verse up there? "...I, I..." "...u, u..." kendrick wrote a secret "B Side" into his entire body of work and waited to show us it
how do i know it's "ilovebees?" its mothers day so im taking a break. but when i get back i'll be sure to talk about how one "alive" thing you "bury" is a wire. and what "a real mic" means on FEEL. and why he "interrogates" the nooks and crannies on "These Walls" in anticipation of a a a flood
period blood? bad blood loss? BBL? evidence dump? is kdot a rat? has he been a buzzing wire in drake's walls? hey what do bees do before they sting you? (LET IT RUN, ALI) hey isnt the Flood a Halo enemy? hey on 6:16 in LA when he says "the ****wires in your circle**** should ***puzzle*** u..."
do you think the timing of the literal halo over the earth was a coincidence with the timing of this beef? solar flares are predictable decades in advance, no? but its not like a guy lacing a secret "B side" 🪞narrative about / at / snitching on Drake through his WHOLE CATALOG would be into horosco
i have seen things you would not believe in the stars. ARG's are popular prerelease promo tools. going back to Beauty and the Beast and Frozen. Did any DISNEY movies have ARG's? yeah. Tron Legacy did are you a Lupe Fiasco fan? listen to Tetsuo and Youth again T.R.O.N. specifically to start
im not fucking with you. i didnt even talk about how wires connecting close a circuit. connected dots finish a constellation. starlight. electricity buzzin. euphoria again: "i make music that electrify em you make music that pacify em i could double down on that line but spare you THIS time"
what if the "direct flight" sneak disses mentioned in euphoria are sci fi style? we just zipped all over back and forth talk about bad bitches and mirrors. teleporting through time. "only god can teleport this type of freedom... estelle, cover my heart" stars as tesseracts. holes in dark matter
thinking in portals makes sense because the bad guy in Portal is also an "AI" and much like Beauty and the Beast, Glados keeps women captive and breaks them down emotionally with bodyshaming. only portals can free Chell. in "ELEMENT" he says fake my death go to "cuba" Companion Cube? idk
my point is that many of the songs on that Black Panther sdtrk (curated by Kdot) make it sound like 1) Drake is targeted 2) along with the industry 3) kendrick has a key role in demolishing the ring somehow btw. wesley theory. demolition man? end of "these walls" verse: "demolition might crush"
and look. all im saying is if youre thinking Bout B's and stars and making these teleportation style logical leaps and reaches you end up at Lupe Fiasco's "they resurrect over now" which COULD be a prediction of this EXACT HOROSCOPIC MOMENT when people find new life and meaning in old music
and then you read Lupe's verse and he says "dark matter with the sparks scattered" and it's halo again. kdot, mister "stockton" 12345+5 (Not Like Us) or "Stock 10", is a GUILTY SPARK trying to PUSH THE BUTTON (hood politics off TPAB) and DESTROY DRAKE's alleged GROOMER "RING WORLD"
and all im saying is that if this is all buzzing in my head ("buzzin? euphoriYAH?" as i listen to Lupe's song after a bunch of video game music plays FOR 42 SECONDS (u =21, doubled in a mirror that u is 42) and after his verse ends and becomes the chorus why does he say
there's another pointer that my "i love B-Side" puzzle theory is correct don't stop! both or dont go no times if you dont listen to these songs for their second meanings, you might as well not have heard them at all. so we "PUT IT IN REVERSE" like "DAMN." told us to. thats all i ask relisten
by the way as you relisten to all of kdot's catalog, please don't skip the interludes. on for sale? he says "im lucy i loosely heard prayers on your first album the end of the day youll pursue me" CEO of UMG is Lucian Grainge but if we unpin the "loose" end from wayyyy upthread.
...well then we can "hear loosely" these lyrics too. so it sounds like "loose she" dont wanna be crass but in Not Like Us kdot evokes an image of Drizzy being passed around cell block 1. that can turn someone into a loose she main point is loose hearing is part of the puzzle box. Lucy's also Drake
i am sorry for the images i am evoking here. the metamessage of kdot's career is that all is one even when all is two. that the light and the darkness are next to each other. if drake is a loose she then he is the girl kdot talks to in poetic justice i recognize your fragrance and thats Nosetal—
Nosetalgia! you can smell em when im walking down the street. kunta's yams 🍑 go stink! go stink! AMERICA HAS A PROBLEM (u aint a fuckin colleague u a fkn COLONIZER) Adidon. peel it back layer by layer. that's an onion. fragrant! "Pathetic Master Manipulator i can smell the tails🍑 on you now"