
the atproto people going after “composable micro apps” is a real threat of rectocranial insertion nobody wants Twitter to be the everything app, even if you sprinkle federationisms on it
sure but people would probably like polls and social audio and whatever
would I trust the aforementioned bongwaterman’s poll thingy for anything? why not dildogger’s poll thing? do we now have polls about polling engines?
the dream decomposes into a thousand hyperfragile features dependent on the SLA of the kubernetes cluster in my basement, and I think that’s probably more likely to drive disappointment than user happiness
though, in fairness, my home k8s cluster has better uptime than my job’s
/shrug why do you trust anything online?
This sounds an awful lot like a criticism of the web circa 1990.
yeah, sure? lots of parts of the early-90s internet was shitty and unreliable because it was run on computers under desks. the players of my MUDs put up with regular crashes because my host sucked because that was the only way to do it. that's not the case in 2024
the BATNA is not "well, that one died, use the next feature of dubious provenance" it's "this platform sucks, I'm going to go use a different one" because people expect shit to actually work in 2024 and as I like how this one is turning out culturally, I would let to see that not happen
this is a relative of why mastodon had two weeks of focus by normies, did not live up to expectations, and ceded the moment; it turns out that most people don't care about implementation details, they care about outputs