
Yes. I say again, but most people haven't seen my other stuff because I'm a nobody -- Tell the world what Project 2025 means for everyone's day to day life. If they think *their* life isn't getting interrupted, they won't care. Run on Dobbs and Court Reform. Run on NOT selling off national parks
I had a chat with the conservative mom of a friend today. We talked about a bunch of stuff and I learned several interesting things, among them, that religious conservatives are often PRO-CHOICE AND THINK THE SUPREME COURT IS INSANE. Run on Dobbs. Run on justices and court reform. Do it.
National parks! Good issue! Conservatives LOVE the frigging outdoors!
I feel like all the exclamation points mean you are being sarcastic, and you have a few followers I am following, so I'm just going to say back it off 20%. If you want to stop Project 2025, you tell people what it means in their day to day. You don't start with Schedule F.
And now shit, did I misread you? I mean, I know that Conservatives love to hunt, but you aren't supposed to hunt in certain national park places, so I got confused. Also, I'm fairly certain other conservatives don't want to get nature on them.
I am having a terrible time reading political skeets now. Sorry. There are many real-world impacts of what they want to do and I was just trying to point out that there is where the Dems should focus the message - Abortion, contraception, education, and yes, having a National Park nearby.
You’re good, man. No sarcasm, we’re in full agreement. Sometimes I throw an exclamation point in as a simple emphasis on a point - in this case, it hews to a pretty simple and often true stereotype, that national park issues click with a clear subset of the conservative base.