
Hot take, defining the Israeli political economy solely or mainly by attitude towards the Palestinians is misleading and generally a horrible thing to do
"well you see everybody in Israel is right wing now because they don't have warm and fuzzy feelings about the people who have been bombing them every day for the last twenty years" is an incredibly stupid take
"the israeli left is dead" "what about that 49% of people who voted against the right in the last election" "oh they're right wing too because they don't like getting bombed"
Meanwhile there is no Gaza left. The people there have made it clear their only objection to this war is that they're being sacrificed by Hamas.
It’s about as dead as the UK labor party. It’s there but they’re having issues with being a coalition.
And that's where there might be a kernel of truth to this narrative-- the left once was able to rally and unite for the peace process, and now everybody has given up on that and the left bloc is struggling to find common ground again. But that doesn't mean it's literally disappeared!
Like the current right wing government would barely have a majority at all if meretz and labor had a vote sharing agreement. The lack of leadership in the last election was appalling. But they did take like fucking 49.9% of the vote all totaled
Really hard to tell why they’re not doing well with leadership, seems to be an issue with a lot of left wing politicians. Here they seem afraid of having a leader speak for all of the party. Not sure what is up with Israeli left wing politicians.
It's because the different left wing parties don't have a single answer to the conflict-- they all have very granular, differing visions of how the conflict should be managed (or not managed) and resolved (or not resolved).