
Good evening, everyone. It's Friday night, and that means it's time for the Friday night ride-along! Retweet this thread and join your favorite Uber driver as I explore wilds of Florida's nightlife.
If you're not familiar with these threads, here's a refresher: 1. After each ride, I'll give a short description and a ⭐ rating. 2. All names are changed to protect privacy 3. All star ratings are what I gave them 4. Rides roll in as the night goes on, so check back!
Giveaway alert! If you don't feel like ordering Drive right now, you can reskeet this post and be entered for a chance to win a signed copy. I'll pick a winner tomorrow.
David and his buddies might be the last few college students in town. They are, of course, drunk. David asks if the song on the radio is Chris Brown, and his friends let him know that it is Pitbull. Kind of a big difference there. 5 ⭐
Caitlin doesn't need to go far, about 0.4 miles to a pharmacy. She's going to pick up a prescription, and based on the limp as she comes to the car, I don't think walking was an option. 5 ⭐
Perry has a slow walk and wheezing breath in the backseat. He doesn't want to talk much. He's on his way to a smoke shop to procure... something before he heads to work. 5 ⭐
Calvin has an extra pair of shoes with him as he gets in, expensive Air Forces. He just finished his shift at McDonald's, and he didn't want to wear them on the job. He falls asleep in the back on the ride home. 5 ⭐
It's off the paved road to get Vanessa, dodging potholes the whole way. She comes out, and I roll down the window. She says something to me in Spanish that I don't understand, then runs back inside. I wait. And wait. Finally, she comes. A silent ride ensues. 5 ⭐
This reminds me of when I was exhausted both medically and personally. I worked until 9:30 Friday nights, got off work, got food, and ate it in a cab home. If I finished before I got home sleep was a real possibility.