
This backs up an ever-strengthening conviction of mine: when it comes to fascists, terfs and bigots of every stripe, we don't need to 'debate them in the marketplace of ideas', we need to set up a stocks in the marketplace, pelt them with rotten veg and drown out their every word with expletives.
My favorite tried-and-true resistance tactic: Being Extremely Fucking Annoying.
Respect does not apply to those who won't acknowledge the humanity of others. I'm very conflict averse, but I'm not having civil discussions with anyone who wants to wipe out my fellow humans.
As folks have commented over on the OP, back when the papers used to just quietly report people taking action to stand up for humanity. Not actively agitate on fascists' behalf because 'it makes good news'. How far the apple has fallen from that tree.
We found steel drums etc pretty effective for drowning out Posie Parker when she graced our city with her presence
And, guessing that paper's relatively shortly post war, some of those kids might well have lost family actively fighting fascists. Again as others have commented - it'd be great to see interviews with any of them still with us. Full power to their sand-filled sock.
I saw this somewhere else (over in the other place, I think). It's actually 1930s, but I don't remember exactly when.
Interesting! Thanks, Tania. 😊
I went and found it. 38 apparently.
Wow, above and beyond - thank you. Right in that horrible era when it must have been so clear which way things were heading. We could definitely use a little more sand in speakers now.
Yes. Unfortunately, there were a fair few who supported Hitler's ideas back then. It's hard to imagine, looking back at it knowing all the horrors that followed. But then, doesn't that make the fascists of our own era even worse? They know where the path they've set foot on leads. Sand in speakers 👍
Yes. I think if someone doesn't already understand that wiping out other people is a bad thing, no amount of discussion is going to make them see the light.