
apart from irl loved ones Thom is the most important thing in my life. he's my life's work. a fursona is such an amazing thing. i am so lucky
i don't even like dogs irl particularly. i don't dislike them either but I'm really more of a cat person
My favourite animals are wolves and cats but I didn't think either of them worked for my personality (this was before we had Moon Moon though).
i think it's so much more complex than the anthropomorphised visions we have of animal traits. or maybe not because tbh it was always more about cartoon dogs for me
I love the revelations people have about their sonas and how this reflects IRL, even though mine have never gone deeper than "ohh she's a Hanna-Barbera character".
that alone tho cld activate so many things: your early experience of resonating with some exaggerated trait; the way those cartoons stood out for you from the rest of the cultural texts you could access. how the thick outlines and solid colours have freedom from the slate greyness of 1980s Britain
It certainly ties in with my love of the Sixties, and of scrappy, cheap and chaotic over Disney polish.
The way your avatar would fill you with indifference that isn't quite self-loathing is very on brand. 🍷
I'm not even an artist! If you'd asked my teachers or parents when I was a kid whether I had an aptitude for drawing they'd have laughed you out of the room. But I made myself able to draw this one dog out of sheer force of desperation to actualise this secret true vision of myself
ok I'm sober now. but i stand by my comments
He is a very very lovable creature, love this guy he's great I wish I could pick him up in my hands and hold him like a little flower
The boy!! I’ve always really loved his design, and the way you present him always leaves a memorable impression; he’s the best (and actually partially inspired a character in one of the comic projects I’m working on)! I got my stickers of him in the mail today β€” thank you so much for those!
ahh that's so fascinating, I'd love to see some time! And awesome, glad they got there okay; thanks again for buying emπŸ™πŸ™
I’ll be sure to send it to you sometime! I might rewrite it (I wrote it as a comic strip to start β€” I’m considering turning it into a traditional comic), but I’ll keep you updated! For sure! I was super happy to see the β€œtoo tired to live” stickers again β€” it’s always a pleasure supporting REZQ!
He's a great doggo because I can identify with his story and world so closely
that means a lot! there have been so many versions of him and different settings but this feels like the ultimate one for him bc it crystallizes so much about how shitty it is to live in the end stage of capitalism
When we root for Thom we root for us all
At least there's socks
Like how Seth Macfarlane has Brian Griffon or Gilbert Godfried has that annoying ass parrot in the Aladdin movie