
Ira Glass talks about this, that the hardest phase is when you have developed enough knowledge and skills that you can tell that what you're making isn't quite good enough. That's a really hard phase, but if you push through it, it will pass.
The only way to get better at writing is to spend many years writing and reading a lot. And you'll be bad at it for a long time and then only ok at it for a long time before you are finally good. There are no shortcuts. People hate this advice but it's one of the only ones that will actually work
This is very applicable to other types of art as well! Your knowledge/perception improves along w/ your skills, but separately, so you get periodic disconnects. I’ve seen various versions of this chart floating around the net: (this one is from “auriee” on tumblr:
that part is so fucking terrible, when you just have to marinate in you own inadequacy while seeing how far you have to go. Necessary, but awful.