
Jamie Dimon is a moron
Among the reasons Corporate America is fine with a second Trump presidency: the fragile recent gains of the labor movement could be reversed. “Woke Capital” doesn’t exist and never has, only capital.
Wall Street Is Making Peace With the Idea of a Second Trump American business elites would prefer a strong economy without a resurgent labor movement, which is exactly what Trump is offering.
I’m sorry, what was he “kind of right” about NATO on? Does Dimon think Russian tanks in Warsaw would be good for his business?
The part where being slightly cynical about everything makes you seem smarter to well-heeled dipshits
Fuckin' this EXACTLY. This thing has developed where cynicism has become a stand in to mean you are thoughtful.
I might expect that from edgelords who spend their time listening to Glenn Greenwald podcasts, but not the CEO of one of the most valuable banks on earth.
some of those that work C suites are the same that like /pol/ tweets
Dimon has always been a grandstanding shitbag. It's why his name is more widely known than almost any of his peers & that's the way he likes it